The Point of Voice Mail

What is the point of voice mail?

Well it sure as shit isn't to tell me who you are and that you called. I can pretty much gather that information from the fact that you are listed as a MISSED CALL in my caller ID. As far as I am concerned the point of voice mail is to tell the person you are calling.... WHY you are calling. That's it, just let me know why you are calling, cause if you don't I am going to assume that you don't need to be called back.

Let's summarize shall we.
1. If you call and leave a message that just says who you are and that you called, you will not be called back.
2. If you call and do not leave any message, you will not be called back, because I don't know if your call was important.
3. If you call and leave a message that says why you called, I will call you back.

Sounds simple right? I suggest you all take a similar stance on this so we can put an end to pointless voice mail messages and better society.


  1. Gee Thomas, having a bad day?!?!?! You are taking the surprise out of life. If someone calls and you see it on caller them back, why do you need to know what it is about, does it make a difference? I feel it is redundant to be forced to use voice mail, when you have caller ID. What is up?

  2. Actually I was having a great day and there is no shortage of surprises in my life, hah! Just because someone calls, doesn't mean they appear in a call log. If the cell phone doesn't have service, the number is blocked, or the cell is off, then the call is never registered as a missed call. The only way to know someone called at that point is through voice mail.
    The point I am 'attempting' to get across is that of courtesy. I would (and so would countless others) appreciate knowing why someone called. Were you inviting me to dinner at 5 but I didn't get the message until 6 and now I am calling an interrupting your dinner? Did you call to tell me you just went blind, then I call back and invite you to go see a movie and now you're pissed and crying because the issue is still so sensitive? Not to mention the numerous times I call someone back and they can't even remember why they called in the first place (old people i'm talking to you). There are plenty of reasons it it nice to know why someone is calling. Maybe the post came off harsh, and I am not trying to upset anyone, but it's my blog and that's how I feel. Wurd!

  3. you know my feeling about voicemail...

  4. Gee Thomas, having a bad day?!?!?! You are taking the surprise out of life. If someone calls and you see it on caller them back, why do you need to know what it is about, does it make a difference? I feel it is redundant to be forced to use voice mail, when you have caller ID. What is up?


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